학회지 피해자학연구

피해자학연구, 2023, 제31권 제3호(원문제공)

작성자 정보

  • 이성대 작성
  • 작성일
  • 목록




제31권 제3호(2023.12)


❏ 일반논문

 ∙ 국회증언감정법 제9조 제3항(증인의 보호)의 해석 ··········································이진국 1

 ∙ ‘그들’이 사는 안전 ·········································································오수진・이새롬・김하은・한민경 27

 ∙ 소비자 갑질폭력 피해경험과 피해결과 사이의 관계 ····································································홍문기・박종선 65

 ∙ 여성의 온라인상 범죄 두려움에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 ····························································이정민 97

 ∙ 피해자중심적 정의론과 범죄피해자 개념 ························································································김혜경 119

 ∙ 한국판 스토킹 위험성 평가 도구(K-SAS) 피해자 취약요인을 통한 스토킹 사건 위험성 평가······································김현우・이수정 153 


2023. Vol. 31. No. 3

 ■ Articles 

 ∙ Auslegung des §9 Abs. 3(Zeugenschutz) des Gesetzes zur parlamentarischen Zeugenaussage und Begutachtung ···············Lee, Jinkuk 1 

 ∙ Buying/living in safety ··································Soojin Oh・Saerom Lee・Haeun Kim・Min Kyung Han 27

 ∙ Customer ‘Gapzil’ Violence Victimization and its Aftermath ················································Hong, Moonki・Park, Jongsun 65

 ∙ A study on factors affecting women’s fear of online crime ···································································································jeongmin, Lee 97

 ∙ Crime Victim definition based on New Victim-centered Justice Theories ·······································································KIM, Hyekyung 119

 ∙ Risk Assessment of the Stalking Cases with the Victim Vulnerability Factors of the Korean Stalking Assessment Scale (K-SAS) ····················Kim, Hyunwoo・Lee, Soojung 153

